Signs for Generator Repair

Generator Repair

One of the best ways to ensure that you have energy in your home, even during a power outage, is to invest in a generator. Generators are one of the most genius inventions that many people that ensure safety and comfort for those who live in areas of frequent power outages. However, even these modern, lifesaving contraptions develop issues that need occasional generator repair. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the common signs for generator repair.

When to Call Generator Repair Near Me

Many generators are durable and very reliable, especially if you bought one of the generators that PPS carries in our generator inventory. As a result, it may be hard even to know when a repair is needed if it does arise. When inspecting your generator, look for the following five signs of generator repair.

Visible External Generator

You may have noticed some kind of dent in the casing of your generator or some other damage and are asking yourself, “Does this need to be shown to a generator repair tech near me?”. The answer to this question is yes! Every single component of your generator is important and is essential to the health of your generator.
If your generator has cracks or dents, there is a concern that debris, dirt, or water may get into it and damage the internal parts of the generator. This damage is very costly to repair. Therefore, it is better to have it checked just in case.

Start-Up Delays

The point of having a generator is that you get a reliable energy source at all times, whether there is a neighborhood-wide outage. If your generator is delayed in its start up, you will need a generator repair technician to resolve the issue.
Most generators have a self-diagnostic test that they run on a weekly or bi-weekly schedule. Make sure to review the results of that test for such delays. Contact a local generator repair near you for assistance with potential start up issues.

The Generator Makes Odd Sounds

Aside from the regular operational sounds, your generator should not make any noise. Odd sounds like squeaking, humming, or rattling will put you on edge, wake you up, or startle you.
Weird sounds like that are a sign that something is misaligned, clogged, or broken. They can also be a sign of low fuel. If it sounds weird, then chances are that you need help from a repair tech. Do not hesitate to search for a “generator repair near me” if you hear any of those odd sounds.

Signs of Wear and Tear

As great as generators are, they do eventually start to wear out. Here are some signs of wear for you to watch out for:

  • Frayed wiring
  • Cracked or missing control knobs
  • Loose connectors
  • Damaged or loose external casing

One thing to be sure of is that when you buy a quality generator from one of the leading brands like Kohler or Briggs & Stratton, you won’t have to worry about it wearing out for at least 25-40 years. As long as you keep up with the maintenance, your generator will last you for a very long time.

Potential Leaks

Though it is often rare, generators can develop leaks. These leaks can be consistent with coolant or oil, and they can be inside or outside the unit.
To determine if you have a leak in your generator, look around for puddles of fluid around your generator. If you see any puddles with rainbow colored fluid, you may need to reach out to a generator repair tech near you.
These leaks can be a potential hazard because fuel leaks lead to fires, especially when the generator operates.

Leading Generator Repair Near Me

Were you able to pinpoint any of these problems with your generator? If so, reach out to our office today for assistance. Personalized Power Systems has the leading generator technicians in Texas and Florida. We will be able to assess the condition of your generator and provide the necessary repairs with optimal efficiency and the highest quality. Contact us today by calling (561) 349-6835.