This Year’s Hurricane Forecast: Is It A Bust?

In an interesting article published by, questions are raised regarding whether or not the NOAA exaggerated their prediction that we would have   a hyperactive hurricane season.  However, since we are now at the peak of the season it seems as though a powerful hurricane, or a large amount of hurricanes have yet to come.  So, does this mean the predictions were inaccurate?  Well, there’s still time.  As you can see by the chart below produced by the NOAA, there are still a few months when hurricanes could possibly hit South Florida or other areas near the coast.  Despite the fact that during a typical Atlantic hurricane season the 5th storm should have hit by August 1st, there is still time – September and October could be the defining months.

What does this mean for households in South Florida? Stay prepared.  Keep a stocked pantry of canned goods and bottled water, and make sure you have a mapped out evacuation route incase a super storm does strike.