Be Prepared for Hurricane Season 2016

June 1st marks the beginning of hurricane season. It is important to be prepared – make sure that you take all the necessary precautions to be ready for the next big hurricane. But aside from the mandatory water, food and flashlights – here are a few steps you can take to further ensure you are protected this hurricane season:

1. Insurance Policy – Learn more about your insurance policy before hurricane season. Make sure your flood policy is up-to-date and that you are completely covered in case of hurricane damage.

2. Energy Backup – Since electricity is typically the first to go during a major storm, it is important to have backup power during an outage. A standby whole-home generator is a great option should you lose power. It will provide hours of refrigeration, air conditioning and light for you and your family after a hurricane.

3. Communication Plan – Just like in any major emergency, you and your family should always have an evacuation plan should the damage resort to you having to leave your home.  Devise a strategy should you and your loved ones be separated.  It is also important to stay tuned to your battery-powered radio for any and all NOAA updates regarding current weather conditions.

4. Shelter – Again, should the damage of a hurricane be so severe that you must leave your home, make sure you have a plan B. Research evacuation shelters for your area and make sure you give your self sufficient time to make the transition.

5. Important Documents – Keep all your personal, important documents in a safe place. It is advised that you waterproof them in plastic should your home suffer the effects of a flood. Another option is to transfer all your vital documents and precious belongings to a safety deposit box in a bank.

6. Identification – Your personal identification should always be on your body at all times. It is advised that you and your family keep a laminated, wallet-sized card that contains medical and insurance information as well as your emergency contacts. This will ensure your safety should you be rescued during a storm.

Although these measures may seem a bit extreme, the reality is that no one knows when the next big storm will hit. It is important to take as many protective measures as possible to ensure the safety of your and your family during a major hurricane this season.